Monthly Archives: September 2020

On a Sunday evening

If any Sunday evening in life taught me,
it is the time you usually call,
telling life in summary,
reminding that life is all about having a ball.

If any Sunday evening in life reminded me,
it is the nothingness we share,
drawn out of excitement the night before,
anticipating what lies ahead.

If any Sunday evening in life showed me,
it is the moment we sat together,
over meals we analyse,
over things we don’t say but our glances do,

If any Sunday evening in life brought me,
it is the sunset that matches my heartbeat,
it is the faster steps moving in anticipation,
it is the slower walks strolling in loving recollection.

If any Sunday evening in life happened,
it is the time that I look at all things we do,
and how glad I think of you all the way through.

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Posted by on 09/27/2020 in Uncategorized

